Estudo de transferências orbitais incluindo manobras aeroassistidas / Study of orbital transfers with aeroassisted maneuvers




This work presents an analysis of space missions through the development of a software package for the calculation of aerodynamic maneuvers and of the required thrust maneuvers for their implementation. Besides the numerical development, an analytical study contemplates the accomplishment of the acroassisted phase of this maneuver type. This analysis includes a study of the thermal limits associated with a vehicle passage through the atmosphere as well as an analysis of the associated errors. Several simulations of aerodynamic maneuvers are carried out and compared with orbital changes accomplished outside of the atmosphere. Among the conclusions, it is shown that the problem is extremely sensitive to the initial conditions and each mission deserves a careful individual analysis. Finally, the results obtained from the analytical formulation are shown to be in agreement with the numerical results for the upper layers of the terrestrial atmosphere.


aerodynamic stability orbital transfer thrust maneuvers arrasto aerodinâmico sustentação aerodinâmica inclinação inclination aerodynamics drag estabilidade aerodinâmica engenharia e tecnologia espacial satélites artificiais aerodynamic maneuvers artificial satellites orbital maneuvering vehicles veículos orbitais manobráveis transferência de orbita

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