Estudo da incidência de osteocondrose dissecante na articulação tíbio-társica de eqüinos (Equus caballus), de três anos de idade, da raça Brasileiro de Hipismo, no Estado de São Paulo, por meio de estudo radiográfico digital a campo / Study of the incidence of osteochondrosis dissecans in the tibiotarsal joints of three-year-old Brazilian Warmblood stallions (Equus caballus), in the state of Sao Paulo, using digital radiographic approach


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This project provides information about osteochondrosis dissecans (OCD) affection in Brazilian Warmblood stallions, particularly in the state of Sao Paulo. Osteochondrosis dissecans is a developmental orthopaedic disease, which can involve both humans and animals. It is the most important skeletal disorder in growing foals. It is a failure of the endochondral ossification, which affects both articular and growth-plate cartilages. The tibiotarsal joint is the primary region involved. It is a remarkably disabling condition for competing animals and a serious worldwide issue for animal welfare and the horse industry and involves various treatments and control strategies. There are several modalities of diagnosis used to investigate the OCD, which differ from each other according to their rate of accuracy. However, radiology utilizing digitized images remains the most appropriate tool in the field. The stallions were chosen by the criteria of age, official registration in the ABCCH (Brazilian Sport Horses Breeders\ Association), soundness, maturity and behaviour. The horses were submitted bilaterally to two radiographic views of their hocks. The images were stored in digital files for further individual classification into positive or negative diagnosis. The results yielded an incidence of 7.7% (2/26) of OCD within the Brazilian population of stallions, all of whom were artificial insemination drives offspring, sired from imported European stallions using \"OCD-free\" semen. These results show a lower incidence of OCD than obtained by other countries\ researchers, indicating that the Brazilian stallions are under control for OCD and below the expected mean. The low incidence of OCD in Brazil, in comparison with other countries may be due to the methods of selection established for choosing quality of the semen or to climate differences.


osteocondrite animal animal osteochondritis articulação tíbio-társica eqüinos horses osteochondrosis osteocondrose radiologia veterinária tibiotarsal joint veterinary radiology

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