Estudo comparativo da atividade muscular eletromiografica (musculos temporal e masseter, entre a deglutição e a mastigação, na presença e ausencia de interferencia oclusal em individuos jovens




The aim of this work was to verify the degree and the duration of muscle activity (RMS) during the swallowing and during the right and left unilateral chewing, before and after placing an occlusal interference (acrilic crown over the first left lower molar). Electromiographic analysis of temporal (front bundle) and masseter (superficial bundl e) muscles was used. Nineteen patients, 14-20 years old, that presented normal occlusal and no lack of teeth were selected. There were ten women and nine men. Ali of them were submitted to six mandibular commanded exercises, divided in two steps, one immediately after the other, as follows: swallowing of 10 ml of water and right and left chewing of a rubber object. The first step was completed without the occlusal interference and the second one with it. The electric signals of muscle activity were recorded in the Viking " electromiograph of Nicolet Biomedical Instruments, and quantified using the software SISDIN. Statistical analysis was carried out using Fatorial Analysis of Variance and Tukey test. A p value lower than 0.05 was regarded as statistically significant. The occlusal interference influenced the swallowing, but not the right and/or left chewing. There was an increase of 244% and 347% in temporal and masseter activity respectively. In the duration of muscle activity the increase was 12.5% - temporal and 26.5% masseter. We concluded that the swallowing with occlusal instabilily is ethiologic and, potentialy more frequent in craniomandibular disfunction than the chewing. The role of chewing as the main factor in the production of faces is overestimated and the importance of swallowing is not recognized.


eletromiografia articulação temporomandibular deglutinação

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