Estresse térmico e hídrico no desenvolvimento de plântulas e germinação de sementes de milho com diferentes níveis de vigor


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The use of high physiological quality seeds is a key component for increasing production and productivity in corn. This work was developed in the Lab of seeds from the Universidade Estadual de Londrina, in order to study the performance of germinative maize seeds with different levels of vigor under varying conditions of temperature and water stress. Was used six seed lots of hybrid maize Balu-580 with different levels of vigor and similar germination potential. The experiments were conducted after the initial characterization of the seed lots. To study the water stress was evaluated the germination, first count, lenght and dry matter of seedling under water deficit and water excess with 7 and 6 different intensities of stress, respectively as a total of 42 water deficit and 36 water excess treatment. For the heat stress was only assessed the germination and first count in 9 different-intensity in low and high temperatures, totaling 54 treatments. The data obtained in the initial characterization of the lots were subjected to analysis of variance and means were compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. In the study of the effect of adverse conditions on germination and early growth of seedlings was carried out the analysis of variance following a completely randomized design, factorial scheme 7 X 6; 6 X 6 and 9 X 6, for studies of dinstintos levels of vigor of seed lots and for different intensities of water deficit stress, excess water and heat stress, respectively. The results indicate that under stress there is a reduction in seed germination and seedling performance. Lots with more vigorously presented the best development and germination performance , indicating greater tolerance to different types of stress.


milho - semente - germinação milho - semente - qualidade sementes - fisiologia maize seed germination maize seed quality seeds physiology

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