Estratégias de interação no texto escrito: perspectivas para o ensino da leitura




In this work, placed in the field of reading and writing, we proposed at studying interaction between text and reader. We assume that there are some linguistics marks on the textual production that promote interaction. Being a teacher in the Ensino Fundamental and Médio justified the need of the work. It is through this research that we intend to improve our knowledge on the theme and, consequently, improve our pedagogic practice in reading classes. The corpus selected consisted of a number of dissertative-argumentative texts from Folha de S. Paulo newspaper. We decided for these texts based on the fact in the school there seems to be a tendency of giving preference for the study of this textual typology in reading and writing classes. To development of our investigation we elaborated, in the light of Textual Linguistic and Discourse Processing Theory, the following question: what textual linguistic resources used in the formalization of dissertative argumentative texts promote the interaction between text and reader? Based on this question, our , specific objective is to verify what these resources are. The results showed that intertextuality, polyphony, implicit features, modalizing terms and argumentative operators, are interactional strategies frequently used by the productor, willing to give the reader a better understanding of the text


compreensao na leitura lingua portuguesa linguagem e interacao

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