Estratégias de inclusão das mulheres na política institucional: a opinião parlamentar estadual do Nordeste (legislaturas de 2003/2007 e 2007/2011) / Strategies to include women in institutional politics




This dissertation verifies if the opinions of state representatives about quotas and the activities to include women in political parties vary according to the larger or smaller presence of women in State Legislatives of Northeastern Brazil, to the ideological profile of the representatives party, as well as the auto ideological definition, the number of mandates and the gender. Data from the Woman &Democracy Network about womens interests in the parliamentary view in the Northeast of Brazil, with 262 state representatives of the 2003/2007 and 2007/2011 legislatures is used in the research. It was observed a relationship between the Rights hegemony in Piauí and less space for the election of women, while in Sergipe, where the Left is balanced with other political forces, there might have been the possibility of increasing the women caucus. Sergipe has also the smallest State Legislative in the Region, what might have favored the election of more women, since there were fewer seats in dispute. Bahia seems to indicate that the dimension of the electorate has a weaker relationship with the electoral results for women, and a stronger relationship with ideological features of the parties. The auto ideological declaration of the interviewees proved inconsistent with their party, having been observed a tendency of the representatives to declare themselves more to the Left than their parties configuration. The number of mandates variable revealed that the Right tends to hold more mandates, and that women tend to concentrate in the first mandate. In Sergipe, where there was more renovation, more women were elected, the inverse happening in Piauí where women representation in the State Legislative is minimum. In relation to the quotas, it was verified that those in favor of its maintenance in the Parliament and its adoption in the Executive and Judiciary concentrate themselves in the Left, while Right and Center are divided on the subject. On the other hand, it was observed that representatives with more mandates tend to support less the quotas. A relationship between the small presence of women in Piauís State Legislative and the lowest percentage of favorable of quotas representatives was noticed, comparing with Bahia and Sergipe. The conclusion is that the legislators party block has a strong relationship with favorable or contrary opinions on quotas and its adoption internally. The analysis shows that parties that adopted quotas internally tend to be more to the Left, while those that have intra-party women organizations tend to be equally on the Left, Right and Center, as well as that there is a pattern of narrowing womens participation as the top of parties get closer, and that reaching the quota inside the party doesnt necessarily reflect the attainment of the quota in party lists, seen by the interviewees as the most effective way for parties to include women.


politics ciencias sociais aplicadas women political parties mulheres cotas nordeste northeast brazil partidos políticos política quotas

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