Erros de medicação no ambiente hospitalar : uma abordagem através da bioética complexa


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Background: Errors involving medications occur frequently in hospitals, they are multidisciplinary and can occur at many stages of drug therapy. Objectives: Assess the seriousness, the type and drugs involved in medication errors reported on Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Checking the quality of the reports obtained by the notification tools available in the institution. Classifying errors by decision tree for unsafe acts, when applicable. Methods: The sample consisted of 165 notifications. The errors identified were classified according to the seriousness, type and pharmacological class. We analyzed 114 notifications, in which an error has occurred, as to the quality of information. The quality was evaluated considering the items recommended by ANVISA. The decision tree for unsafe acts was used to identify individual or systemic factors in the errors reported. Results: Although a greater number of notifications reported in 2011 compared to 2010, there was no significant change in the profile of seriousness of these events. The errors occurred during the process, have in some situations, new medication errors associated with it. The most common type of error is the prescription error (40%). In 114 reports, 122 medication errors were cited. The content of notifications showed that all items recommended by ANVISA were present, but reported at different frequencies. The characterization of unsafe acts were performed with 30 notifications from a standardized form by the institution. We verified that 19 actions were classified as potential violations recklessness and 9 actions, such as errors induced by the system. Conclusion: Patient safety depends on the communication process, the suitable recording of information and monitoring the appropiate use of medicines.


medication errors erros de medicação reporting bioética classification bioethics

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