Enfoque Gerencial dos Benefícios e Desafios da Tecnologia de Informação para o Desempenho Empresarial / Management Perspective of Benefits and Challenges of Information Technology to Organizational Success




The Information Technology has been being considered like one of the current managerial environment more important components, and the Brazilian organizations have been using wide and intensely this technology, in strategic and operational level. This utilization level offers great opportunities for the companies that have success in the offered benefits utilization for this use. At the same time, he also offers challenges for the administration of this resource of which the companies pass to have great dependence and that introduces management particularities. In this complex scenery, other challenge is to identify the contribution level that this technology offers to the results of companies. Finally, the attitudes of business and Information Technology executives significantly interfere in the administration of this technology. This project has as main objective to identify the Information Technology utilization effective benefits, the challenges of its administration, the companies performance that use intensely this technology and the executive attitudes in this environment, as well as the relationship among these dimensions. The project focus will be the business and technology executive. Its contribution is to deepen the Information Technology administration knowledge, in the utilization, administration and contribution dimensions, besides the executives attitudes, as well as the relationship among them, allowing to create an analysis structure of this technology in the companies that offers subsidies for your successful administration.


tecnologia de informação administração de tecnologia de informação desempenho empresarial

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