Efficacy of Lamendins dental age estimation method / Eficácia do método de estimativa de idade de Lamendin


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Given the difficulties in estimating the age of adults and trying to rely on surveys of quality evidence, this study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Lamendins method of age estimation through a systematic review and meta-analysis and also by applying the technique to a Brazilian sample. For the meta-analysis, we researched studies that aimed to show the effectiveness of the method by comparing the chronological and estimated ages of the sample. We excluded studies with historical samples, those that changed the technique, the ones that analyzed other aspects of the method without presenting results on effectiveness and the ones that presented the sample in a single group with individuals less than 25years of age. Then, the quality evidence scale QUADAS was used with some modifications. The final sample consisted of eight studies. Fieldwork was conducted in a sample of 49 teeth from 26 skulls from the collection of the Center for Study and Research in Forensic Sciences from the IML Guarulhos-SP. The results showed that the studies identified could be methodologically careless and that the method is ineffective in the elderly, but produces good estimates for other adults. In Brazil, young adults showed the smallest mean errors. However, there are discrepancies in the literature as to the age at which the method works best. We suggest that the studies have more methodological rigor and that the technique be tested before used in a given population, so it can be verified at what age the results are more accurate. A research with a larger Brazilian sample should be made, so it can be confirmed if sex and type of tooth influence the results.


age estimation on teeth estimativa da idade pelos dentes forensic dentistry lamendin lamendin. metanálise meta-analysis odontologia legal quadas quadas

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