Efeitos na saude de trabalhadores expostos a longo prazo a agrotoxicos atendidos no ambulatorio de toxicologia do Hospital de Clinicas da Unicamp nos anos de 2006 e 2007 / Effects in workers health that stayed exposed to pesticides for long time, and the ones those were attended on the Clinical Hospital of Toxicology of Unicamp during the years of 2006 and 2007




The utilization of pesticides has determined serious impacts under environmental point of view and mainly public health, with reports of contamination of several means (air, water and soil), and cases of severe intoxication and death, but with few real reports of chronic effects of exposition to these substances for long time. The goal of this study is to evaluate the effects in workers health that stayed exposed to pesticides for long time, and the ones those were attended on the Clinical Hospital of Toxicology of Unicamp (Campinas State University), during the years of 2006 and 2007. It is Descriptive Transversal Observational Study, that reports and analyses the effects found on the health of 370 workers occupationally exposed to pesticides for long time. The variations studied in this patients were: age, sex, work relationship, kind of contact with agro-toxics, the use of individual protection equipments, the way they were taken to the ambulatory, time of exposition to the pesticides, type of exposition to the pesticides, alterations found on the physical examination, on the laboratory and the diagnosis. These variations described above were taken on the medical register of these patients, and it was used Excel Program to design the database and variations creation and SPSS Program version 15 for the statistical analyses of these data. This way, we try to relate if workers exposed for long time to the pesticides, in our regional reality of agro-toxics utilization, is able to develop chronic damages to their health


trabalhadores rurais impactos na saude impacts on health rural workers occupational exposure exposição ocupacional

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