Efeitos fisiológicos da ventilação de alta frequência usando ventilador convencional em um modelo experimental de insuficiência respiratória grave / Physiological effects of high frequency ventilation with conventional ventilator in an experimental model of severe respiratory failure


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Introduction: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) has a high incidence and mortality between critical ill patients. The mechanical ventilation is the most important support for these patients with ARDS. However, until now there is an important debate about how is the best ventilatory strategy to use, because the mechanical ventilation if not well set can cause lung injury and increase mortality. The use of high tidal volume is one of the most important mechanics of ventilation induced lung injury and there is evidence in the literature that using low tidal volume is a protective ventilation with better survival. Objective: To explore if high frequency positive pressure ventilation (HFPPV) delivered by a conventional ventilator (Servo-300) is able to allow further tidal volume reductions and to stabilize PaCO2 in a severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) model initially ventilated with a protective ventilation. Methods: A prospective and experimental laboratory study where eight Agroceres pigs were instrumented and followed by induction of acute lung injury with sequential pulmonary lavages and injurious ventilation. Afterwards, the animals were ventilated with a tidal volume of 6 mL/kg, followed by a randomized sequence of respiratory rates (30, 60, 60 with pauses of 10 and 30% of the inspiratory time, 90, 120, 150, 60 with alveolar recruitment maneuver and PEEP titration and 5 Hertz of HFOV), until PaCO2 stabilization between 57 63 mmHg for 30 minutes. The Servo-300 ventilator was used for HFPPV and the ventilator SensorMedics 3100B was used for HFOV. Data are shown as median (P25th,P75th). Measurements and Main Results: Animals weight was 34 [29,36] kg. After lung injury, the P/F ratio, pulmonary shunt and static compliance of animals were 92 [63,118] mmHg, 26 [17,31] % and 11 [8,14] mL/cmH2O respectively. The total PEEP used was 14 [10,17] cmH2O throughout the experiment. From the respiratory rates of 35 (while ventilating with 6 mL/kg) to 150 breaths/ minute, the PaCO2 was 81 [78,92] mmHg and 60 [58,63] mmHg (P=0.001), the tidal volume progressively felt from 6.1 [5.9,6.2] to 3.8 [3.7,4.2] mL/kg (P<0.001), the plateau pressure was 29 [26,30] and 27[25,29] cmH2O (P=0.306) respectively. There were no detrimental effects in the hemodynamics and blood oxygenation, while the animals were using a FiO2 = 1. Conclusions: During protective mechanical ventilation, HFPPV delivered by a conventional ventilator in a severe ARDS swine model allows further tidal volume reductions. This strategy also allowed the maintenance of PaCO2 in clinically acceptable levels


acute lung injury acute respiratory distress syndrome critical care unit high frequency ventilation lesão pulmonar aguda mechanical ventilation protective ventilation respiração artificial síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo terapia intensiva ventilação de alta frequência ventilação protetora

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