Efeito de uma operação sobre a falta : o des-fazimento das historias infantis no sonho e na fala da criança




What is the symbolic (function) efficacy of children?s stories (wonderful tales) on the child?s way through language? That is the question which directs this research. It is useful to say that the expression ?children?s stories? points to the effect of which a fictional narrative produces on the subject. Futhermore, the meaning for ?children?s stories? is based on the Freudian concept of infantile. Among the phenomena under which it is possible to show some fragments, I elected two to be examined: the dream and the child?s speech. The pillar of the present research is the study of the dream of the wolves that is showed in "From the History of an Infantile Neurosis" (Freud 1914), that is about a childhood dream interpreted along the patient?s analysis in his adult life (retroactively). Reading the case, I pointed out the insistency of the ?posture? signifier in the history of the subject by which illustrates the articulation between the real of the body (the sexual, the infantile in the symptoms of youth) and the language (which refers to a signifier that evokes ? retroactively- another). It was seen that the children?s stories were undone to be redone in the ?de-coding? of a dream and in the child?s narrative (independently of her position referred to the language). However, there is no equivalence between dream and child?s speech. The children?s stories open a window for the appearance of the traumatic (the real, the sexual) and offer important keys for elaborating Oedipus passage, which has no pre-established signified. That is, it is not about a group of signs that would represent any extra-linguistic reality. The dimension of the impossible is what constitutes the wonderful. Everything is possible in those wonderful stories: the desire to fulfill the emptiness that exists among things and words (a fulfilling that comes from the realm of the impossible) is not questioned. That desire affects the structure and operates over the lack- the impossible to symbolize in which the trait insists ? and produces and effect of ?undoing? of the stories as well as in the construction of the phantom. Children?s literature feeds the desire whose function can be spotted in the language: ?[?] there is desire because there is unconscious, that is, language that escapes form the subject in structure and in effects [?]? Safouan (1970:32)


aquisição de linguagem ficção psicanalise narrativa

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