Educação em direitos humanos e a mediação escolar como instrumento que possibilita a prática do aprendizado em direitos humanos




The evolution of human rights has been a long process. Through out the history of society, these rights have been constructed and built-upon to preserve the basic principles and freedoms to which all humans are entitled. With every new day, changes in society set forth the continuous expansion to guarantee these moral entitlements, which are so fundamental for the development and preservation of all humanity. It is with this in mind, that it can be concluded that much of the worlds human disparity steams from the lacking of one essential element: moral education. Educating the worlds population of everyones inalienable rights to human liberties spreads moral values. It also proliferates and instills respect for one another. That said, much of the conflict that is found in social interactions is due to differences and lack of understanding. A better educated society will lead to better management of conflict, and a more accommodating population.The mediation of conflicts inside of school shows itself as a practice of education in human rights, it is a consensual mean of conflict resolution, in which it encourages dialogue, the practice of listening, the respect for the next, promoting the participation and cooperation of people involved, in order to build a process of solidarity and improvement of relations within the school, with reflection on the whole society.


conflitos sociais - dissertaÇÕes conflitos sociais - dissertaÇÕes direitos humanos - dissertaÇÕes direito constitucional

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