Educação ambiental e agenda 21 local : estrategias para a efetivação do desenvolvimento sustentável




This work studies the construction of Agenda 21 Local in the municipality of Ceará, with emphasis in environmental education as primary condition for its effectiveness. For that reason it analyses the progress of the environmental education and legislation, conducting its course in all Brazilian constitutions, highlighting the Article 225 of the Carta Magna of 1988, which consecrated the right to the healthy environmental and ecologically balanced as a fundamental right to the human being bringing up the sustainable development as a duty of the public power and all society. Methodologically analyses the efficacy of the Law 9.796/99, which has to do with environmental education, by research with teachers from public schools of seven municipalities from Ceará where the project Agenda is in course or at least there is a tendency in doing it. For the achievement of the research were contacted entities that have to do with environmental, as The Vitae Civilis Institute and the Konrad Adenauer Fund. The study points out a blanck in the education and capacitation of the teachers of the public schools in environmental subject, as for the municipalities build its subject, as for the municipalities build its Agendas 21 Locals, it is necessary the implantation of public politics turned to environmental education.


educaÇÃo ambiental - dissertaÇÕes desenvolvimento sustentÁvel - dissertaÇÕes administracao de empresas

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