E A VIDA HUMANA, O QUE É? O diálogo entre a ciência, a religião, os professores e o senso comum: enriquecendo o ensino de Ciências / WHAT IS HUMAN LIFE, AFTER ALL? A dialogue between scientists, religious leaders, science teachers and the men in the street: enriching science teaching




This study aims to collect, systematize, analyze and compare the scientific discourses, religious and science high school teachers on the definition of human life. As social programs, science and religion affect society and are affected by them. The so called common sense representatives were also heard, to promote discussion between science, religion and society. The discourses were registered and analyzed through simple interpretation, to identify the main meanings of every discourse in order to enrich the perception of social society involved by the subject, as well as members of the society that are not familiar with the subject. By gathering multiple discourses on one of the most ancient questions on human kind, the intention is to provide assistance to be used by formal educational and casual environments in bioscience and health. By classifying discourses that are not ordinarily seen together, and this is the main objective of this exclusive research, we intend to give full information and understanding, capacitating teachers, as well as insert the theme in a multidisciplinary way in science study books.


ensino-aprendizagem ensino ciência/educação ensino fundamental e médio teaching science/education primary and secondary education

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