Documentação musical: Discussão sobre a representação temática de partituras a partir de um enfoque interdisciplinar / Documentação musical: Discussão sobre a representação temática de partituras a partir de um enfoque interdisciplinar




This is a thematic representation analysis of music scores, in order to recover information in an educational approach regarding music and information science. The comprehension that the librarianship area has about the musical material is insufficient, because of the information professionalslack of specific knowledge either the ones who manage systems or the ones who use them to input data about the institutionsmusical heaps. Problems found in the librarianship practice are pointed and discussed based on the precepts of musical theory. The central focus of the thematic description is the field "subject" and its concept in both areas. After a critical analysis, confirmations were empirically obtained, through examples of cataloguing formats and recovering trials of the scores registries of ECA/USPs and IA/UNESPs databases. Its proved that the thematic representation of the scores, on the way its recommended by the librarianship, doesnt meet the music researchers needs and therefore its necessary that they include fields that meet the specific characteristics of the materials description. In order to replace the field "subject", its suggested the field "form/gender" - which gives extremely important information to music researchers and that doesnt receive the deserved importance when the documents are indexed.


recuperação da informação educational approach documentação musical partituras representação temática musical documentation information retrieval thematic representation scores interdisciplinaridade

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