Do passado ao futuro: a escrita comemorativa do centenário farroupilha na imprensa porto-alegrense


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation examines how commemorations of First Centenary of the Farroupilha Revolution produces a memory of the event. This study uses documents published periodically in Porto Alegre, on the newspapers A Federação, Correio do Povo, Diário de Notícias and Jornal da Manhã. The research aims to understand the elements which were triggered in the representations and interpretations of that episode, and how narratives mobilized the recollection of this event in the Farroupilhas past uses. Search to see how well the experience and expectations were related and how they entered this in a time perspective. The work aims to contribute to studies on the construction of Farroupilha memory and the constitution of a regional identity


centenário farroupilha comemoração imprensa memória centenary of the farroupilha revolution commemoration press memory historia

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