Diversidade genética e conservação do lobo-guará, Chrysocyon brachyurus, em áreas protegidas do Distrito Federal




I evaluated the genetic diversity of a maned wolf population (Carnivora, Canidae, Chrysocyon brachyurus) in the Distrito Federal DF, Brazil. The maned wolf distribution is intimately associated with the distribution of the Cerrado biome. The species suffers the effects of habitat lost and is considered vulnerable to extinction in the Brazilian species red list (IBAMA, 2003). It is present within the urban mesh in the vicinities of Brasília, associated with preserved cerrado fragments protected in conservation units (CUs). Nevertheless, these units might have insufficient size to avoid endogamy, and are also isolated by an urban matrix that compromises exchanges of individuals between areas. Three CUs within the DF, separated by highly urbanized areas, were chosen in order to evaluate their effectiveness in maintaining viable maned wolf populations in the vicinities of Brasília. I used both invasive (tissue and blood) and non-invasive (DNA extracted from stool samples) techniques to obtain DNA samples that were later amplified for five microsatellite markers. The CUs sampled with the non-invasive method were: the Estação Ecológica de Águas Emendadas - ESECAE, the Parque Nacional de Brasília - PARNA and the Fazenda Água Limpa - FAL (which lies within the Área de Proteção Ambiental Gama Cabeça de Veado). In total, I sampled 23 wolves: ten with the non-invasive method, three captured in traps, six from road killed animals, and four from individuals rescued in urban areas. In ESECAE I also used samples from six specimens captured between 1997 and 1998. Furthermore, I compared my results with data from the same loci generated for 19 wolves captured in the Parque Nacional Serra da Canastra, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The non-invasive method had a genotyping success of 15.7%. Neither deviations from Hardy-Weinberg expectations nor indications of inbreeding depression were found. In ESECAE, there was no reduction in the genetic diversity during the last nine years. Within the DF, maned wolves do not present a genetic structure correlated with the three CUs sampled. Also, no genetic structuring was found between wolves sampled in the DF and the population of the Parque Nacional Serra da Canastra.


lobo-guará ecologia endogamia dna fecal microssatélite

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