Dinâmicas e mecanismos de promoção e defesa dos direitos humanos no estado brasileiro




The object of this paper refers to the mapping of the main mechanisms for the promotion and protection of human rights used by the Brazilian Government. It focuses on the work of the Commission of Human Rights and Minorities of the Chamber of Deputies, as a representative of the Legislative Branch, as well as on the Special Secretariat for Human Rights of the Presidency, as a representative of the Executive Branch. Considering that the State must play the primary role in promoting and protecting human rights, this paper identifies what mechanisms are mostly employed, according to the legal powers of each organ. The theoretical framework takes into account the conceptions of fundamental rights and the constitution of the State developed by the contractarian thinkers Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Jacques Rousseau. It also considers the criticism of liberal rights held by Karl Marx. As far as the incorporation of human rights by the State is concerned, the discussions proposed by Norberto Bobbio, Flávia Piovezan and Joao Ricardo Dornelles were explored. The research tools used were text analysis and semi-structured interviews. It was possible to observe that the Brazilian State owns and uses a wide range of mechanisms for promoting and protecting human rights, in addition to its legal system which is already quite comprehensive.


estado direitos humanos mecanismos de promoção defesa ciencias sociais aplicadas state human rights promotion protection mechanisms

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