Dinâmica da produtividade da mão-de-obra na agropecuária de Minas Gerais: um estudo de convergência / Dynamics of labor productivity in agriculture in Minas Gerais: a study of convergence


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The agricultural sector in Minas Gerais has experienced a significant increase in labor productivity since the 1960s, due to the use of modern inputs, equipments, and farming techniques driven by the green revolution. Nonetheless, the implementation of the modernization policy which brought about such advances was undertaken in an uneven fashion throughout the state, thus causing regional disparities. That being said, the present study aims to investigate if there exists a convergence process in which low-productivity agricultural regions catch up and reduce the gap with respect to high-productivity areas, notwithstanding the tendency of increasing productivity and its unequal spatial distribution. To that end, we attempted to assess the sensitivity of the occurrence of this phenomenon to different levels of geographical aggregation (microregions and municipalities), testing methodologies, and time spans. The results indicate the microregions in Minas Gerais have not exhibited an absolute β-convergence or σ-convergence process. Modeling the distribution of productivities by the means of distribution densities, we find it has worsened inasmuch as there was a mass displacement to the left. To capture the dynamics of evolution of the distribution of productivities, the discrete and continuous version of a first order stationary Markov process was used and we obtained a result of high persistency. Municipalities have exhibited an absolute β-convergence process, but σ-convergence was not verified. Its distribution of productivities has also shifted to the left. The dynamics of evolution has exhibited a process of convergence towards classes of low productivity. We conclude economic growth has not been capable of reducing regional differences, and public policies directed to this sector should be more thoughtful, addressing not only the growth in production. Given the development of agriculture is, to a large extent, associated to the abilities and the schooling level of its workers and entrepreneurs, the reduction of such inequalities should be sought in terms of human capital. To that end, policies of training of rural labor, in the traditional and alternative teaching, should be formulated along with policies that stimulate the increase in production.


produtividade da mão-de-obra agropecuária convergência crescimento e desenvolvimento economico labor productivity agriculture convergence

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