Dimensões e linguagens do design gráfico: seleção, organização e sobreposição das mensagens verbais e visuais veiculadas no espaço urbano




The present work has as objective investigates the syntaxes of the languages of the graphic design in the urban ambient. For so much we selected of the multiplicity of signs of the city, an Advertising that it was used of billboards and urban furnitures to dialogue with the city. Our main hypothesis was the that: the external visual messages conserve the memory of the marks and companies that represent them, but they guarantee their meanings putting upon mark, support, ambient and user, because it is in the observer s mind that the message is completed and this can only be guaranteed totally if linked to an efficient repertoire, that, for some times, its needs a complex and connected perception mechanism to the world. We worked with the knowledge of the Semiotics, Semiotics of the Culture and of the Theories of the Communication. We built a theoretical approach for the design with the objective of analyzing the characteristic of linking. The main ones theoretical used they were: Roman Jakobson, the communication model of him and the formulation of the functions of the language; Jakob Von Uexküll to read the relationship among the beings and spill him; and James Jerome Gibson to understand the available information in the ambient and the devices that we have to capture them and to connect them to us. Beyond of those, the dynamics of the culture presented in the texts of Iuri M. Lótman. When putting upon the organization possibilities of more than a language in the urban space, we revealed the possibility of that application to be compared to the dynamics of the culture. The discoveries were made possible by the knowledge on perception and ambient. The ambient concept as qualified space allowed to understand each other that the man behaves as a processor of information and disposition of syntaxes and, that movement of understanding of the world, transformation of the same in language, is what differentiates ambient space. On the other hand, it went us useful the understanding that that movement can be compared to the concept of Umwelt of Jakob Von Uexküll. Therefore, the language is the most evident proof of the existence of specific atmospheres. When analyzing the communications in relationship with the ambient, we discovered that it exists a selection of receivers and interception of other because of the ignorance of the code. The model of communication of Jakobson is not applied to dynamic ambient, because we verified the overlap of emission papers, the originator displacement that in some cases are revealed as receiver and, or as reference of the message. It was possible to verify the relationship or the bonds that the marks guarantee to the group of pieces that they compose an advertising campaign. We discovered that the languages of the design exercise a double force, because they condition persons for the universality and for the multiplicity. The universality feels in function of the design to come in different places for carrying significance aspect in factors besides the language. And the multiplicity feels in function of the relationship that he develops with the codes of the culture. The relationship between design and adverstising was revealed as a complex process of language production in which the first occupies organizer s place and Monday occupies the place of condenser of repertoires. In the analyzed pieces, we could verify that the knowledge and researches commonly developed as part of a campaign enlarge the potential when organized through an efficient design


design adapt urban publicidade linguagem cultura languages publicidade culture ambiente urbano publicity artes graficas comunicacao design

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