Diagnóstico do manejo dos resíduos sólidos em uma escola da rede de ensino particular de Belém do Pará


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




It is increasing the concern with the management of the urban solid wastes (garbage), from its generation to the final disposal. Thus, the challenge of the present time is to make the generator to worry in giving an adequate destination for the residues or garbage that is produced. In this context, the present work was carried out in order to diagnose the conditions of solid waste management in a private school of Belem, in the Para state, Brazil, in view for the implantation of a Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP), as sustainable social and environmental action. A total of 291 individuals participated of the research, being 246 students, 18 teachers and 27 employees. The research was carried out through documental analysis, and collecting data about how the school have been working on the solid waste management and also about the environmental perception of the participants, in relation to the subject of the work. For characterization of the waste it was adopted the method of final destination. On the basis of the analysis and interpretation of the data, it was detected necessity to mobilize students, teachers and employees of the school, in order to develop a critical and sustainable conscience related to the garbage problem and, also, that in the school, the research place, the handling of its wastes have been made in accordance with the politic, social and cultural aspects acquired in its 74 years of foundation, inside a management practice that valorize the cleanness, but without giving an adequate destine to its wastes. This probably must happen because of the absence of a city selective collection system, and also the lack of a SWMP that prioritizes the sustainability. The present work allowed considering alternatives for the school to manage their solid wastes more effectively and in accordance with the law, evidencing the necessity for implantation of a SWMP, in which the involved individuals are guided according to scientific and technical knowledge, and in a sustainable perspective.


diagnóstico de manejo resíduos sólidos resíduos escolares dignosis solid waste school residuos solidos, domesticos e industriais

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