Determinação do conteúdo harmônico de corrente baseada em redes neurais artificiais para cargas não-lineares monofásicas / Determination of the current harmonic content based on artificial neural networks for single-phase non-linear loads




In this thesis artificial neural networks are employed in a novel approach to identifying harmonic components of the single-phase nonlinear load current, whose amplitudes and phase angles are subject to unpredictable changes in steady-state. An identified harmonics number is previously selected. These harmonics are present in the non-linear loads current of electrical illumination system. The harmonics in the power system degrade the power quality, then is exhibited a concise study dealing with power quality problems and methods to mitigate the harmonic distortion in the power system. Among these methods emphasis is given in the application of pure active power filters in parallel with the non-linear load. The thesis also shows a study about the more commonly methods used in the harmonic detection. Among them is the method based on artificial neural networks. Simulation and experimental results are presented to validate the proposed approach.


single-phase active power filter determinação harmônica qualidade de energia artificial neural networks filtro ativos de potência monofásico rede neural artificial determination harmonic power quality

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