Desempenho educacional de alunos beneficiários do Programa Bolsa Família: um estudo em duas escolas públicas estaduais em Salvador/Bahia/Brasil


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The study examined the academic performance of students who are beneficiaries of the “Bolsa Família” Program in public schools of the state, located in the city of Salvador, Bahia, in 2009. This abstract discusses the conditionality of the basic education program in Brazil about the quality and equity of public education, with reference to the academic performance of students benefiting from the PBF from two schools regarding Portuguese language and mathematics. The nature of this research is qualitative and quantitative, with a sociological approach. The methodology is documentary research, from data collected in the teaching units, the State Department of Education, the Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger - MDS, the MEC and the Department of Social Development and Poverty combat through State Coordination of “Bolsa Família” program. The sample came from 02 state schools in the city of Salvador, one more and one with lower index of Basic Education - IDEB. This sample is composed of 100% of program beneficiaries who attended a series of 8ths (9th grade) elementary school in 2009 in these two selected schools within a total of 30 students each. The instruments used for data collection were the Daily Class, which record the average achieved by these beneficiaries students in Portuguese Language and Mathematics disciplines as well as the conclusion of the course from the “Cadastro Único” data collected for social programs of the Federal Government. The variables examined were age, sex, race and the educational level of responsible relatives. This study analyzed the Schools Pedagogical Political Plan. It was concluded that the performance of the benefiting students from “Bolsa Familia” Program was 100% approved in both schools, although students from School A, which achieved IDEB of 4.7, performed better than School B, which reached a IDEB of 2.5 in 2009. This performance is due to the school management, since the physical and material conditions are similar between both schools. Another important point is that even though a lower performance of students from School B, if it depended only on the class studied, the school would get a higher rate in IDEB.


condicionalidade da educação desempenho escolar programa bolsa família educacao conditionality of education school performance programa bolsa família

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