"Desaposentação" e o instituto da "transformação" de benefícios previdenciários do regime geral de Previdência Social




The objective of this scientific work is highlight the context of social protection in Brazil. Enhancing the security subsystem, as well as the constitutional range of benefits provided to beneficiaries of Social Security segment. The approach focuses on the benefit of higher denomination granted the insured Social Security, namely, retirement. This pension benefit is achieved, as a rule, in honor of a lifetime of hard work, allowing, as a reward, idleness paid. It is the enhancement of the social value assigned by the Constitutional text to paid labor. The granting of retirement is cause for great celebration by the insured. However, over the years to pension bonanza loses the original charm, due to increased expenditure typical of those who come to be at the third stage of life (spending with medicines, hospitals, health plans, among others). The return to the labor market ultimately inevitable. However, re-enter the labor market, while authorizing the incidence of contributions, hasn t been recognized by the state as an event capable of ensuring the .improvement of social welfare benefit. It was given an opportunity to set rig up in the courts, what we consider a technical inadequacy, the consistent use of terminology "desaposentaçao" whenever you are asked to focus on obtaining new social security benefits more advantageous to harvest in the same pension scheme. Conformation seems inadequate legal effects that emanate from the judicial decision-making, more specifically remarkable Superior Court, to shape the figure from the processing of benefits, since it makes no avoidable collision on the words "resign" and replacement values to the public coffers


social security elder in the job market aposentados -- emprego aposentadoria -- leis e legislacao -- brasil retirement direito seguridade social idoso no mercado de trabalho previdencia social -- leis e legislacao -- brasil

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