De um sexo ao outro : uma abordagem psicanalítica sobre a cirurgia de ¿mudança de sexo"


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The "Sex Reassignment Surgery", done by people who want to ¿adjust¿ their sexual features and anatomic body shape in order to look like the opposite sex, has been the subject of disagreement in the medical, as well as in the psychological and social fields. It is a controversial area that has increasing impact as surgical and biomedical techniques advance. Besides that it is part of a larger range of controversial themes, such as artificial insemination, cloning, genetic selection, and the use of stem cells, among others. The aforementioned surgeries bring to discussion the relationship between body image, sexuality and identity and raise questions about a supposed naturalness of these concepts. More than that, the intention of "changing sexes" seems to indicate that we are facing new forms of being in the world and that the "disquiet" of our civilization may be producing new answers for old dilemmas of sexuality.


identidade sexual transsexuality psychoanalysis transexualismo psicanálise body sexuality sexual identity

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