DÃvida ecolÃgica como subproduto do paradigma desenvolvimentista




During the recent years development has been an achievement desired by many governments, enterprises and communities in general. Therefore, development was considered to be a valid tool in order to minimize social issues, once worldwide economy and technology became integrated. The closeness among nations in the global world was supposed to accelerate de social achievements. Anyhow in fact just a small part of economically developed nations have actually gained with the global economy, wile less economically developed countries have suffered with social and environmental issues. This dissertation tries to analyze the social and environmental problems caused or enlarged by the pro economic development paradigm that result in Ecological Debt. In the beginning there is a reflection on the concept of development, based on authors such as Dupas (2006), Veiga (2006), Escobar (1993), Souza (2007), Young and Lustosa (2003), Capra (2002), Cruz (2001). Afterwards weâve studied some terms that are fundamental to the understanding of the whole, such us environment and sustainable development, with the support of authors as Glacken (1996), Foladori (2001), Morin and Kern (2003), GonÃalves (2001), Bellen (2007), Leff (2001), Lenzi (2001), Sachs (2002). The understanding of this dissertation implicates on debating the Ecological Debt in the state of Pernambuco using as an example the Porto de Galinhas Beach, the major spot for international investments, analyzing its touristic potential. Therefore the acknowledgment and discussion of the environmental debt has to be observed in the near future in order to promote a less destructive use of the natural resources of the coastline of the State of Pernambuco in the tourism activity


development paradigm dÃvida ecolÃgica ciencias humanas ecological debt sustentabilidade sustainability desenvolvimentismo

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