Da rodovia da morte ao desvio pela vida: os conflitos socioambientais em torno da duplicação da BR-101 em Araranguá/SC (1995-2011) / From the highway to the deviation of the dead for life: conflicts around the duplication of the BR-101 in Araranguá / SC (1995 2011


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The BR-101 in Araranguá is so related to the life of the city which is hardly mentioned in history books and research the city. Therefore, this research based in the History of the Present Time to delve into a subject comes to innovative local historiography. After years of development driven by agriculture and small industries organized themselves in refining their products, the city of Araranguá witnessed profound changes through the arrival of federal highway in the decade of 1960. At the beginning, the railroad was doing off the highway to absorb the main transport activities of the city. Over the years, its location became a reference point for new businesses and from the 1970s, with its paving, the city saw new economic outlook. With the ease of access, the city began to breathe fresh air and began a forced vocation for tourism, because even their national symbols exalt the natural beauty. This policy led to a development of tourism in the resorts of the city, moreover, the areas near the highway began receiving the first industries motivated by the proximity easy access. In addition, new residential neighborhoods begin to arise from subdivisions and growth of the city is intensified near the bed of the highway. This relationship between the city and the highway will be shaken from the 1990s, when heavy traffic, poor preservation of the route and over the edges of neighborhoods of the highway will generate a dangerous combination that will reap many lives. Another problem is that the same road that brought wealth and development, Will also generate congestion from the noise and environmental pollution. Driven by a sense of affirmation in the state of Santa Catarina, RBS group will support numerous movements for complete duplication of the highway, however duplication in northern stretch out first. When the turn of the century as the duplication is to be planned in the southern city of Araranguá witnessing a movement different from the others so far occurred in the region. Environmentalists, professionals, community leaders and others will engage in the fight to change the route of the highway in the city, the proposal was to divert the urban perimeter. But the group will face opposition from business and government agencies that administer the project. During years of intense debate and many hearings until the end of the group entitled "Deviation for Life" was able to impose its proposal. With this win came some bias, such as the unity of the group was undone by differences in the celebration of the event. Yet this movement has changed the city in several aspects that will be answered only after the completion of the work of duplication of the highway


rodovia br-101 movimentos populares araranguá tempo presente rodovias projetos e construção araranguá (sc) historia araranguá popular movements br-101 present time

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