Critical-discourse analysis of the mental health workers practice within the social context of the psychiatric reform. / Análise crítico-discursiva da prática de trabalhadores de saúde mental no contexto social da reforma psiquiátrica




In the history of humankind, several new (and old) discourses about madness have arisen. However, it was in modern age that the field of health witnessed the development of a discourse that would become hegemonic, which realized madness as a mental disorder. With this purpose, several specialized treatment institutions and tools were developed. With the emergence of the psychiatric reform movement, over the last 20 years, an effort has been made to give a new direction to knowledge and actions relating to madness, with the aim to break with the highly hospital-centered view of health care and targeting care services toward the context of community. Since it is a movement that holds contradictions inherent to its dialectic character, the reform that offers possibilities of changing mental health knowledge and practice is also at the risk of falling within the inertia that maintains close relations with antagonist traditional models. In this sense, the aim of this study is to analyze the discourses about mental health workers within the social context of the psychiatric reform. This is a qualitative study, which used semi-structured interviews with 17 of a total 25 mental health workers from a substitutive service in the city of Joinville, in the state of Santa Catarina. The theoretical-philosophical framework of this study was critical-discourse analysis. The corpus analysis was performed by developing a device called axiological-discourse diagram. The corpus was analyzed based on four theoretical axes, which were: representations about the users, the families, the workers practice and the service. For each of them, the following prototypic discourses were achieved, with their respective axiological combinations: benevolence (non-negative), withdrawal (negative) uncertainty (non-positive), and innovation (positive). The analysis was performed through the interpretation of the main linguistic structures that represented each prototypic discourse and each identified axiological dimension, guided based on the premises of the chosen theoretical-philosophical framework. It is expected that this study will contribute with the advancement of qualitative approach studies in the health area and with reflections about the process to consolidate the psychiatric reform in the Brazilian context.


mental health critical-discourse analysis language studies análise crítica de discurso nursing estudos da linguagem saúde mental enfermagem

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