Crítica cultural das campanhas de comunicação social em saúde no contexto da pobreza




The objective of this research, entitled Cultural Critique of Mass Media Communication in Health in the context of poverty, is to reveal the popular, critical understanding and theoretical bases of the victimization process in social communication campaigns in health. This anthropological research, reveals the popular perception and theories of victimization, in order orient advertising executives in their new construction of mass media communication campaigns. From February/2009 to november/2010, we conducted 24 ethnographic interviews, probing the iconographic and semantic content of the campaigns in the community of the Dendê, Fortaleza-CE, Brazil. The methods utilized included: Content Analysis, Analysis of Systems of Signs, Meanings and Action and Contextualized semantic interpretation. There exists multiple, popular interpretations of the campaigns, depending on ones proximity or cognitive distance from the message. Also, in our informants narratives, two distinct mechanisms of victimization, blaming the victim and scapegoating, were identified--besides the moral rehabilitation of the sacrificed victim. Through this voice of remoralization, mankind is given a magnificent opportunity to resurrect victims from their shameful pre-existing condition. This perceptual plasticity is due to the popular imaginations capacity for creativity. In the context of poverty, the re-signification of messages is essential for the population to perceive and to promote, proactively, their own health.


campanhas publicitÁrias em saÚde - dissertaÇÕes comunicaÇÃo social - dissertaÇÕes pobreza - dissertaÇÕes antropologia cultural - dissertaÇÕes saude coletiva

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