Cristalização preferencial de polimorfo do ácido Lglutâmico : uma abordagem por controle ótimo / Preferential crystallization of L-glutamic acid polymorph : an optimal control approach


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Crystal size distribution control is of great importance to high-end chemical industry, especially in applications to the production of pharmaceuticals and foods. In these industries, another crystal characteristic is equally important: polymorphism. Strict regulations often require that only an specific type of polymorph may be present in a determined product. As controlling these factors is both of industrial relevance and typically difficult, in this work, the control of batch L-glutamic acid crystallization by cooling aiming to obtain one specific polymorph while maximizing crystal size at the end of the operation. This theme was approached by using optimal control and three different strategies: open-loop optimal control, open-loop optimal control with temperature and concentration tracking, and closed-loop optimal control. The optimizations were performed in Scilab through a quasi-newton method in a sequential process so that the moments of the crystal size distribution were simulated and the cooling curves adjusted based on the simulation and the objective. To deal with the total dissolution of one of the polymorphs, a feature not captured by the populational momentts, a special integration loop was used based on the physical interpretation of the moment values. Finalluy, at the end of the study, it was found that the closed-loop optimal control approach provided better results.


polimorfismo (cristalografia) controle de processos químicos otimização crystallization polymorphism chemical process control optimization cristalização

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