Crianças e adolecentes em situação de risco : entendendo a opção pela vida de rua




In recent years, researchers in many parts of the world have been studying street children. The phenomenon assumes advantageous rates in the Brazilian metropolitan areas, where sixteen millions of children and youths live at risk, mainly due to poverty and families with no structure or organization. "In the streets" is the term used to name those who are working for their families, "of the streets" designates who are working for their own support and keep no familiar relationship. The socialization of both groups tends to be marked by many stressful life events and poor affective, economic and social support, that may contribute to the high incidence of deviant behavior among them. The aim of this study is to identify the relationships between sociological features, living stressful events across the life history and behavioral problems, through the analysis of fifteen "street boys" dossiers, built across three years, by three social services from Ribeirão Preto. Data analysis indicated that 60% of the subjects were adolescents (13-16 years-old); 32% were children (7-12 years-old) and 8% were Iater adolescents (17-18 years-old); 76%. were boys; the majority living in extremely poor families; 88% had evaded from school and 18% were illiterate. The more common stressful life events were father absence by death or parental divorce, conflicts with the stepfather or stepmother, severe deprivation due to poverty, rejection, abandonment, physical violence and escape from home. Beside this, it is usual the parent s involvement in illegal activities and mental diseases are often present. The subjects presented high average of conduct disturbance. The most frequent were stealing (100%); frequent lies (98%) and drug abuse (96%). The least number of conduct disturbance exhibited by each subject were four. Multivariate analysis indicated relationships between poverty, high frequency of stressful life events and conduct disturbance. Data suggest that pertaining to socially and psychologically no normative, although highly frequent "at risk groups", increases the possibilities of personal and social involvement in deviant behavior and stressful life events.


menores abandonados - são paulo (estado) - pesquisa educacional marginalidade social (menores) - são paulo (estado) menores abandonados - são paulo (estado)

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