Criação de uma ferramenta hipermídia para a promoção da saúde auditiva em jovens usuários de dispositivos sonoros portáteis individuais / Creation of a hypermedia tool for promoting hearing health in young users of individual portable sound devices


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Since the advent of amplified music in the music and entertainment industries and the increased popularity of portable individual sound devices among young people, hearing loss induced by high levels of sound pressure among children and adolescents is a serious and growing concern. Promoting hearing heath for this population is necessary to disseminate information related to the correct and healthy use of these devices. The purpose of the study was to develop a hypermedia material about potable individual sound devices and their effect on hearing health for the education and awareness of children and adolescents. The production of the material followed the development stages of contextualized instructional design, with the performance of the Analysis, Design and Development phases. Eleven topics were chosen to approach, reinforce and spread the elaborated content. The first seven topics approached aspects related to the portable individual sound devices, hearing and hearing loss, the three following topics reinforced the previous content, highlighting the main matters approached, and the last one aimed the extension and disclosure of the theme through a social network, in order to multiply the information. Audiovisual media were selected to be used and to support the integration tools of the theoretical content. The CD-ROM was chosen as the implementation media and was programmed to be used with headphones, in order to facilitate the comprehension of the parts involving the demonstration of adequate use of portable individual sound devices. Identifying the learning needs of the targeted population was indispensable for the definition of the instructional purposes which guided the elaborated content. The stages involving analysis, planning and elaboration of the content demanded more time of execution as they require extensive literature review and search for audiovisual medias, and also adaptation of the content for the targeted population.


adolescent adolescentes audição health promotion hearing music música promoção da saúde

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