Crescimento de pós-larvas de tilápia do Nilo em função da densidade e da suplementação de vitamina C na ração




The production of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus tends to use high stocking densities in all stages of cultivation, suggesting the need for improving the management and strategies to increase the productivity of the species and minimize barriers still exist. In this context, this paper presents a literature review on factors influencing the performance of Nile tilapia during the sexual induction phase, in particular, studies that observed the influence of density and availability of dietary vitamin C on growth, variability growth and survival of post-larvae at the stage of sex induction. Then, it presents a scientific paper that reports a study aimed to evaluate the effect of density and vitamin C supplementation in the diet on the growth of post-larvae of Nile tilapia, from sexual induction. Among the results is how does the influence of the factors analyzed in the performance of the species. The study concluded that the interaction between density and vitamin C supplementation did not influence the variability of growth and stress resistance of post-larvae in sexual induction. But influenced the weight where the density factor was responsible for thedifference throughout the experiment and the factor supplementation of vitamin C at the end of the experiment.


heterogeneous growth oreochromis niloticus sex induction indução sexual vitamina c resistência recursos pesqueiros e engenharia de pesca crescimento heterogêneo nutrition tilápia do nilo stress aquicultura

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