Crenças dos enfermeiros sobre a realização do estudo hemodinamico por meio do cateter de arteria pulmonar




The purpose of this study was to identify, by means of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), the elements leading to the development of nurses behavioral intention when performing a hemodynamic study in patients through pulmonary artery catheter (PAC). Data were obtained by using semi-structured interviews made with 23 Intensive Care Unit nurses from two public and one private hospitais in the city of Campinas, São Paulo state, Brazil. The exploratory nature of this study allowed a qualitative sort of analysis of the data collected, which were then presented according to the following Central Theme-based Units: Attitude, Normative, Control and General Beliefs. The analysis of the interviews highlighted that, conceming the Attitude Beliefs, there are positive and negative aftective beliefs regarded to both behavior and to the advantages and disadvantages in carrying out the hemodynamic study. As to the Normative Beliefs Unit it is possible to emphasize some positive social references present in the behavioral response such as the physicians, nurses and patients, as well as some elements proved to stimulate behavior: nurses responsibility towards the patients care and interest in the patients recovery; among the negative references are: the medical staft and continuing education services; regarding the non-stimulating elements we can mention: knowledge deficit, difficulties in carrying out the procedures and low use of the hemodynamic study data by the medical staft. The Control Beliefs displayed some elements which can either facilitate and I or make the behavior difticult: material, equipment, number of professional people, knowledge, time, tasks overload, nurse and medical staft. The data obtained will enable the creation of a psychometric scale which will be used to understand and predict the behavior presently studied


behavior comportamento tratamento intensivo catheterization intensive medicine cateterismo de swang-ganz swan-ganz nursing care plans cuidados em enfermagem - planejamento

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