Correlação da composição corporal com a função pulmonar e com a força muscular respiratória em indivíduos com a Trissomia 21 no Distrito Federal




Introduction: Overweight and respiratory malfunctions are frequently found in Trysomy 21 bearers. Such disturbances are potentially able to lead to conditions which endanger the quality of life of affected individuals, thus aggravating their physical health and excluding them from social interaction. Purpose: the purpose of this academic essay was to investigate the possible correlation involving body composition, pulmonary function and respiratory muscle strength in Trysomy 21 bearers. Material and Method: a transversal analytical study was carried out involving twenty six Tryssomy 21 bearers who aged 26,72 + 7,14 and weighed 77,2 + 3,5 kg, whose genders were, respectively, 14 females and 12 males. A spirometry was conducted by means of a spirometer in order to obtain the forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), as well as the forced expiratory vital capacity (FVC) and peak expiratory flow (PEF). Pressure manometry, by means of a manometer, was also conducted in order to enable measuring both the maximal inspiratory pressure (IPmax) and the maximal expiratory pressure (EPmax). A Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) was used to evaluate the percentage of body fat (%BF). Data processing was conducted by means of a descriptive statistics of quantitative data average (central tendency) and standard deviation (data dispersion). Also, a normality analysis of samples was carried out in order to check their distribution in relation to the variables, as well as the Shapiro Wilk normality test, considering the significant difference of p<0,05. At the statistical inference, the parametric test (Pearson Correlation Coefficient) was applied to verify whether there had been a correlation among variables of pulmonary function (Forced Vital Capacity, forced expiratory volume in one second, peak expiratory flow, maximal inspiratory pressure and maximal expiratory pressure), respiratory muscle strength, maximal inspiratory pressure (IPmax) and maximal expiratory pressure (EPmax) with the percentage of body fat (%BF). Results: a negative correlation was found for the variables of %BF and FEV1 in both genders without a significant difference for men (p <0,5244) and a highly significant difference for women (p <0,0045); as to the variables of %BF and FVC, the correlation was also negative in both genders, with a significant difference of p <0,0137 for women and without a significant difference for men (p <0,4910); concerning the variable of PEF, the correlation was also negative, without significant difference for both genders, that is, p<0,3165 for women and p<0,7165 for men; as to the variables of %BF and IPmax, there was a negative correlation for women, without significant difference (p<0,7871), and a positive correlation for men, without significant difference (p<0,8307); as to the variables of %BF and EPmax, the correlation was negative and without a significant difference for both genders, namely, p<0,9070 for women and p<0,11369 for men. Conclusion: individuals who bear the Tryssomy 21 have higher %BF comparing with reference values related to the brazilian population without any mental deficiency, which might be attributed to inherent alterations of such population, as well as a sedentary lifestyle. The same individuals have negative correlation for variables of FEV1, FVC, PEF, and EPmax, possibly due to the decrease of lung compliance, the higher resistance to airflow and the direct interference exerted by obesity on the mechanics of the diafhragm and the chest box, diminishing their volumes and capacities. As to the variables of %BF and IPmax, there was a correlation difference between both genders: negative for women, possibly due to the higher value of % BF in relation to men; and positive for men, result which might be related to a value of % BF closer to the reference value for the gender.


composição corporal down syndrome força muscular respiratória função pulmonar pulmonary function espirometria body composition síndrome de down educacao fisica respiratory muscular strength, espirometry

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