Conversão ao Islam: o olhar brasileiro, a construção de novas identidades e o retorno à tradição




This dissertation proposes an investigation on the conversion of Brazilians to the Islam. Women were prominent as protagonists although men have contributed, dividing opinions that reinforce some aspects mentioned by the women. The interviews show us the stories and ways of the converts before they find Islam, how the conversion process itself was and what the benefits and difficulties were when the decision happened. In a country of basically a Christian origin and which offers an ample religious market , our aim is to understand how a religion with strong cultural lines, seen by non-Muslims as authoritarian, fundamentalist and retrograde, has been growing among us. This investigation presents us the conversion to Islam as a reorganization of the life projects, in which the followers share a feeling of equality and justice inside a religious community desiring a more organized life, ruled by morals and discipline. In a disordered world, the certainty achieved through conversion takes the converts to a rupture with the old way of life and to the participation in a new world view, through the return to the tradition


conversao antropologia comunidade islamica imigracao arabe convertidos

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