Controle direto de torque para motores de indução - estudo e implementação




DÚ ect torque control is one of the most recent techniques developed for driving induction motors and one of its main advantages is the fast response to electromagnetic torque demanded, allowing the accurate control of motor speed. This control technique is based on the direct ana1ysis of the electromagnetic torque and stator flux errors during the operation of induction motor. The d.riving schemes ofthe dÚ ect torque control proposed by I. Takahashi and G. Buja are implemented and experimental tests are performed. The practical implementation made use of a digital signal processor DSP96002 ftom Motorola which processes the voltage, current and speed signals acqUÚ ed ttom sensors and runs the algorithm to control motor speed or the electromagnetic torque. A new approach to diect torque control drive that uses fuzzy logic is presented herein. Simulation results show the potential of this strategy to control the electromagnetic torque.A iming at minimization, controllable electricallosses in induction motor were studied. Two controllers that establish the optimal stator flux for minima1 controllable electricallosses are presented. Simulation results indica te the advantages of each one of these controllers in the induction motor increased efficiency, if any of these were used together with dÚ ect torque control drive scheme proposed by G. Buja


acionamento eletrico motores eletricos por indução

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