Contribuições para a conservação do patrimônio histórico edificado em madeira da cidade de Antônio Prado/RS




This proposed work presents a study about the conservation of historic buildings of wood. The southern region of Brazil presents large collection wooden buildings built by European immigrants that colonized the region in the late nineteenth century and the first half of this century. However, there are no specific programs for the conservation of this heritage. The city of Antonio Prado, located in Serra Gaucha, approximately 180 km from Porto Alegre, was chosen as a case of study by presenting a set of historic wooden buildings built by Italian immigrants. The study was used to diagnose the main pathological problems of buildings and propose measures for the preservation of local heritage. As theoretical references about the preservation of built heritage in wood there were surveyed the cities of Bergen in Norway and the island of Chiloé in Chile. The methodology of preventive conservation has many similarities with the features and measures to protect the wood and is used as a paramenter for the development of preventive measures for the case study. Through studies the importance and potential of local participation in conservation work was verified. This condition is explored in the way of dissemination of technical information to make people able to preserve the patrimony. For this purpose, a manual was elaborated on the subject that aims to provide knowledge to the prevention of degrading acting and illustrations with suitable constructive details for wood preservation. In addition to the preventive actions, the conservation measures seek the awakening consciousness in the local community for its cultural identity and for its responsibility to the historical and artistic heritage.


engenharia civil casas de madeira - antonio prado (rs) - conservação e restauração patrimonio cultural - antonio prado (rs) cultural property engenharia civil patrimonio historico - antonio prado (rs) - conservação e restauração

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