Construção dialogada da base de conhecimento da ação docente por estudantes de licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas da UFSCar


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




According to current scenery on knowledge production about teachers education, especially on initial formation within courses of degree, this work has intended to defend that there is an opportunity of diversification and deepening of the knowledge basis for the teaching during long duration supervised traineeship determined by Biological Sciences graduation in UFSCar. The research was oriented by the following question: Which elements of the teaching knowledge basis have been constructed by Biological Sciences Graduation students in the end of their initial formation process? From this question, the objective was developed: (1) to identify the dialogical construction of knowledge (that comprises the knowledge base) revealed by students writings and speeches from the dialogical construction process. Lee Shulman (Knowledge Basis) served as Theoretical Reasons, consider the processes of pedagogical reasoning and action. The process of teacher formation includes shared long duration regencies besides traineeship of observation. In order to investigate this process, we required some data generator instruments: (a) interpretation of eighteen participants metaphors and (b) the second year of traineeship closure conversation with seven students. Our study presents the category General Pedagogical Knowledge as the most representative regarding to teaching knowledge basis, when both the self-dialogue and the face to face dialogue were considered. The Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Content Knowledge were categories with lower expressiveness. The dialogically constructed outlines within knowledge basis were: (1) on teaching planning, (2) on elements of teaching-learning and (3) on students and their history.


formação inicial docente base de conhecimentos para o ensino processo de raciocínio pedagógico aprendizagem profissional da docência estágios supervisionados educacao teacher initial formation knowledge base for teaching processes of pedagogical reasoning

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