Conflitos institucionais em empreendimento do setor elétrico : estudo de oito pequenas centrais hidrelétricas/PCHs na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Juruena, no Estado de Mato Grosso




The study refers to the evaluation of the relationship between the institutions involved in the process of licensing of eight Small Powerplants (PCH in Portuguese) designed to be implemented in the basin of the river Juruena, on the state of Mato Grosso (MT). This consider the vision provided by the set of environmental standards, particularly electric sector, on the natural resources, indigenous communities living in the region of influence, the national society and the state. The model of energy generation in Brazil is based mainly on hydraulic sources. When there was a reduction in the construction of new hydroelectric plants, have been established new references for the brazilian electric sector, with clear incentives by the government for the construction of PCH. The studies required for a Hydroelectric plant serve as a backdrop to the relationship between the institutions involved with the analysis of the socioeconomic and environmental impacts, considering the public practice of Electric Sector and its relationship with the different public agencies: Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL), Secretaria de Meio Ambiente do Mato Grosso (SEMA/MT) and Fundação Nacional do Índio (FUNAI). The FUNAI representing indigenous communities, the SEMA/MT representing the State of Mato Grosso and its natural resources, and ANEEL is responsible for hydroelectric resource. The issue identifies the legal norms and procedures of hydroelectric plants which have just been the center of conflicts between public institutions. This theme is justified by the need for resolution of environmental matter about infrastructures implementation for the country and the different interpretations of environmental legislation by the various public areas involved.


meio ambiente conflitos =institucionais usinas hidrelétricas mato grosso; impacto ambiental; gestão ambiental outros pch environment institutional conflicts pch electricity sector setor elétrico environmental issue questão ambiental

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