(Con)figurações femininas nos desvãos da ordem patriarcal


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This thesis uses two lines of theoretical understanding of the functioning of Brazilian society, by Roberto Reis and Roberto Schwarz, with its reflections in literature. This work employs nucleus and nebula metaphors from A permanência do círculo (1987) by Reis, as specific definitions for those who hold power and people without possessions, according to the research of the scholar about the presence of hierarchy in the social sphere that has homology with literary characters. Another theoretical aspect of this thesis is the logic of favor, as identitary and cultural characterization, mainly studied in Ao vencedor as batatas (1977), by Schwarz. This logic of favor appeases and hides conflicts between classes at the same time it strongly shapes the social relations between members of the financially privileged segments and the underprivileged segments. The elements of this last segment are characterized by the desire for socioeconomic improvement, using subservient attitudes as a way of approaching the first group and scaping the stigma of poverty. This study uses as the port of departure the novel Dom Casmurro (1899), by Machado de Assis (as a comparative reference to the other novels), to verify the nucleus and nebula metaphors and the logic of favor manifestations and also the presence or not in the patriarchal order. The novels analyzed according to these theories are Clara dos Anjos (1948 - published posthumously), by Lima Barreto; S. Bernardo (1934), by Graciliano Ramos; Crônica da casa assassinada (1959), by Lúcio Cardoso; and Ópera dos mortos (1967), by Autran Dourado. These novels whose stories occur in the first three decades of the twentieth century (the exception is the nineteenth-century novel by Machado de Assis) show romantic relationships between male and female characters still marked by a confrontation in which the female figures, whatever their social position, remain at a disadvantage compared to male characters, proving that the female transgressions only promote cracks in the formation of patriarchal values.


ficção brasileira - história e crítica análise do discurso literário feminismo e literatura escritores brasileiros machado de assis joaquim maria 1839-1908 criticism and interpretation reis roberto criticism and interpretation brazilian fiction history and criticism discourse analysis literary feminism and literature brazilian writer schwarz roberto 1938 criticism and interpretation

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