Comunicações transversais : cruzamentos e confrontos de opiniões nas redes digitais sobre o preconceito pós-eleitoral


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Given a context extremely surrounded by digital technologies of communication and information (DTCI), contemporary society is undergoing constant changes in its forms of structuring, organizing, and also in its materiality, practices and knowledge. From this, there seems to be a complexification of the dynamics of symbolic political disputes, resulting in changes of several orders, especially in the relations between the political field, media sphere and society, introducing into it new processes, sociability, actors, groups etc. As a result, this study aims to understand how the symbolic interactions are settled within the blog´s conversational sphere and how opinions formed within blogs circulate in digital social networks, leading to the symbolic dispute of public opinion. To achieve that, methods of content analysis and social networks were applied to study the episode of racism on the Internet against the Northeast Brazilian people, triggered by comments made on the 1st of November of 2010 - both on Twitter and Facebook - by the student Mayara Petruso, right after the presidential elections in Brazil. The results obtained by the analysis show a series of potential actions offered by DTCI to individuals, which enable the resizing of their symbolic capital and also on the realm of public visibility, in the common, in the individual/collective habitus and in the instance of public opinion.


redes sociais communication tecnologias de informação e comunicação (tics) symbolic interaction sphere of public visibility opinião pública public opinion esfera pública mayara petruso episode digital technologies of communication and information

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