Comportamento empreendedor dos proprietários-dirigentes de micro e pequenas empresas do setor de confecções (vestuário) de Teresina/PI / ENTREPRENEURIAL BEHAVIOR OF OWNER-MANAGERS OF SMALL AND MICRO COMPANIES IN THE SECTOR OF CLOTHING (CLOTHING) MUNICIPALITY OF TERESINA


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Entrepreneurship, as a field of study, examines the entrepreneur in particular, their characteristics, their activities, management models and the impact of its operations in the socioeconomic context. Brazil is a one of the countries with the highest entrepreneurial iniciative around the world and, generally, the brazilian people develop micro and small businesses. In this sense, the micro and small enterprises appear as a source of income generation and employment opportunities. By this perception, the objective of this study is to identify the behavioral characteristics of the entrepreneurial owner-managers of micro and small garment industries of the city of Teresina / PI by McClelland (1972). It was conducted a quantitative study, classified as a case study involving a total of fifty micro and small garment industries. For data collection, the research used a questionnaire. These data were organized, tabulated and analyzed using the software SPSS 15.0 and Microsoft Ecxell. The main conclusions of this study show that most of the owner-managers have an entrepreneurial profile. In all ten characteristics evaluated, the entrepreneurs surveyed scored more than fifteen points, which is the minimum score considered by McClelland, that the individual is regarded as entrepreneurs. The CCEs that had higher averages were: Information Seeking, Demand for Quality and Efficiency, Calculated risks and Systematic Planning and Monitoring. Keywords: Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial Behavior. Micro and Small Enterprises.


empreendedorismo - dissertaÇÕes comportamento organizacional - dissertaÇÕes pequenas e mÉdias empresas - dissertaÇÕes administracao de empresas

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