Complexos agroindustriais e redes politicas : as transformações no territorio citricola brasileiro : uma abordagem do novo institucionalismo e da nova localização




The objective of this thesis is to analyze the main institutional aspects of the genesis, development and dynamics of some Brazilian agri-industrial complexes that have reached their technological and organizational maturity. The theoretical approach used here is the neo-institutional analysis, which is able to link three important dimension of complexes: technology, power structure and territory. Territory , the third dimension of the theoretical approach, was used, articulated with the technological and organizational dimensions, as a way to explain the development and the dynamics of the citrus agri-industrial complex in Brazil, located in the State of São Paulo and in the Triangulo Mineiro ofthe State ofMinas Gerais. The analysis of the process of institutional transformation in the citrus territory suggests that public police should consider that territorial proximity can foster local cultural and social mobilization movements. The development of the studied region have always been linked with organizational transformations, which can be split into three phases: state regulating (1994 to the end ofthe 70s), self-regulating (during the 80s) and self-regulating crisis (1991 to 1999). The most relevant result ITom this long process was the intensification of the already existent unbalanced distribution of power between industry and agriculture, which have fostered exclusion of thousands of orange producers during 1986 to 1999. Given this context, this thesis presents a study and a proposal of an institutional framework that aims to reduce the restrictive profile of the citrus national territory, benefiting many small farmers and rural workers


agricultura e estado - brasil desenvolvimento institucional agroindustria - brasil frutas citricas - cultivo

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