Combinação de tratamento biológico aeróbio com processos oxidativos avançados visando intensificar a remoção de matéria orgânica em efluentes da indústria têxtil e de celulose kraft / Combining aerobic biological treatment and advanced oxidation processes to increase organic matter removal in textile and kraft pulp mill effluents




Bleached kraft pulp and textile effluents contain hard to degrade and, or toxic substances, and these industries often cannot meet legal limits for effluent chemical oxygen demand using conventional effluent treatment. Use of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) is therefore being studied to treat their effluents. AOPs use a strong oxidizing agent to degrade organic matter but present high cost and data on their application in industrial effluents is lacking. The objective of this study was therefore to evaluate efficiency of combining AOPs (TiO2/UV, H2O2/UV, H2O2/TiO2/UV) with aerobic biological treatment to increase removal of recalcitrant organic matter in industrial effluents. Neither pretreatment of alkaline bleached kraft pulp effluent nor post-treatment of combined bleached kraft pulp effluent by the AOPs resulted in increased effluent biodegradability probably because of high effluent chloride levels. Under the conditions studied, the AOPs were not able to attack and degrade the recalcitrant organic matter in the kraft pulp effluent, contrary to literature reports. However, AOP treatment of acid bleached kraft pulp effluent should be evaluated since a beneficial effect of the AOPs was observed at low effluent pH. Pretreatment of textile effluent presented favorable results with the best treatment being 5 mmol L-1 H2O2/TiO2/UV. However, the efficiency of the process decreased with the increase in concentration of organic matter in the raw effluent. Even after aerobic biological treatment to reduce COD (755 mg L-1), satisfactory results were not obtained. For the textile effluent, the effect of COD concentration on AOP efficiency should be studied in greater detail since these processes present potential as a pretreatment.


textile resíduos industriais industrial effluents sewage sludge lodos ativados tratamentos e aproveitamento de rejeitos indústria de celulose kraft pulp mill fotocatálise indústria têxtil

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