Colagem direta de bracket ortodontico com cimento de ionomero de vidro e com resina composta




The glass i onomer cemen l was firs l presen led i the literature in lhe 1970 s. a lu ling ma ler i aI of pr 000 si ng anlicarie proper lies lhal have been successfully proved ir 1 den lis lics and in cemen lalion of or lhodon lic bands. Due lo i ls uni que bi 01 ogi cal proper ly. we conduce l a research lha l conIirmed lhe mechanical eIfi cacy 01 a composi la resin CConcise Orlodôn lico) wilh lhe ionomer cemen l CKe laccem). i n lr oduci ng lhe var i e aci d e lchi ng 01 ena.mel. i n lhe bonding wi lh or lhodon lic bracke l. 180 pr emol ar lee lh wer e used ando af ler bonding. underwanl shear les l for 10 00 nu les and hours af ler dirac l bonding...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


ortodontia corretiva resinas dentarias materiais dentarios

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