City Marketing, Empresarialismo TurÃstico e Desenvolvimento Local SustentÃvel no MunicÃpio de TamandarÃ-PE




The main purpose of this dissertation work is to build reflections on the importance of the role of city marketing and tourist enterprising in the promotion of local sustainable development, aiming at Tamandarà city, in the state of Pernambuco, as a possible target to public power for implementing alternatives to dynamise tourist activity. Based on a reading focused on the approaches of authors such as Kotler, Harvey, Sanchez, Leal, amongst others, it looked into bringing out the main theoretical visions in what concerns to the marketing of the places, to the city marketing, to urban enterprising and the role of tourism in local sustainable development. In the face of the importance of recovering environmental patrimony of TamandarÃ, in an advanced stage of degradation, nowadays, and facing the necessity of repropriating its cultural, artistic and historic goods as main vectors in promoting a development project in sustainable bases, it was considered of fundamental importance making an empiric analysis based on the perception of the local actors. With this intention, it looked to evaluate amongst the local citizens, holiday-makers and representatives of the public and private segments, their perception over local problems, and their grade of involvement in what matters to overcoming difficulties of economic, social and environmental character the city has been passing. It has the conviction that cooperation between actors by a participative model of administration and shared government is the main way to make possible strategic planning based on city marketing and urban enterprising. Experiences of stimulating tourist enterprising, acting in a view shared with government and society aiming to sustainable development by using the city marketing tool have been having successful histories in cities such as Barcelona (Spain), Lisbon (Portugal) and Curitiba (Brazil). Adhering to this model associated to formulating strategies of endogenous development aiming to the internationalization of the place, taking into account that the economic space, actually, trespasses the local boundaries, being a challenge of the market and of the state, constitute themselves, doubtlessly, in an essential tool to the public administrators to implant the strategic planning turned towards the promotion of local sustainable development


tourist enterprising desenvolvimento sustentÃvel empresarialismo turÃstico tamandarà sustainable development tamandar administracao publica city marketing city marketing

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