Cidadãos e cidadãs em situação de rua: uma análise de discurso crítica da questão social




The aim of this research is to study the discourse and its action on one of the manifestations of the social question the situation of citizens who are living on the streets. Thus, five nationally widespread texts are analysed on its linguistic and other semiotic aspects. The texts cover the following genres: The Brazilian Constitution, electronic cartoon (published on the site, news (on the newspaper Folha de S.Paulo; on the weekly magazine Veja) and TV news (on Jornal Nacional). Further, 20 semi-structured interviews were conducted with research participants. The theoretical framework of this study is affiliated to the Critical Discourse Analysis programme (Wodak and Weyer, 2009), based mainly upon the theoretical work drawn up by Fairclough (1992, 2003, 2009 dialecticalrelational approach) and Chouliaraki and Fairclough (1999). These authors also draw upon Critical Social Science, which is considered in this research too in its relation to linguisticdiscursive issues. Given this studys qualitative nature and its adherence to the dialecticalrelational approach of Critical Discourse Analysis methodological precepts, it considers discourse as an element of social practices. The texts are analysed according to: genre, intertextuality, lexical selection / meaning, representation of social agents and interdiscursivity. The aspects of ideology studied in the corpus is based mainly upon Thompson (1995). In order to move towards an inter/transdisciplinar practice, discussions on social question, social exclusion and the situation of citizens who are living on the streets are developed. The conclusions of this research indicate: the important role that discourse plays in social processes, the value of critical language studies in analysing the social problem which is investigated in this research, the responsibility for recognizing the citizenship of the people that are living on the street by ensuring their rights on a democratic system until on the names they are called. Moreover, it becomes evident that the social exclusion (either considering the expression itself or any of its synonyms) makes a problematic description of society. Thus, the proposition is avoid using this term, by understanding that citizens of Brazil are part of the same society, whether they are living on the streets or not. Consequently, we have responsibilities in relation to this social problem.


situação de rua social question ideologia ideology street citizenship discourse questão social cidadania discurso linguistica

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