Characterization of the inflammatory reaction induced by Bothrops insularis snake venom: leukocyte influx, release of inflammatory mediators and mechanisms involved in this effects / Caracterização da reação inflamatória induzida pelo veneno da serpente Bothrops insularis: Influxo leucocitário, liberação de mediadores inflamatórios e mecanismos envolvidos nesses efeitos




In this study the effects of Bothrops insularis venom (BiV) on the leukocyte influx, on the circulating leukocyte numbers and release of mediators, such as PGD2, PGE2, TXA2, LTB4, MCP-1 and KC into the local of its injection. Moreover, the role of eicosanoids in the BiV- induced leukocyte influx was assessed by selected pharmacological treatments. PMN were accumulated from 6 up to 24 h and MN cells from 3 up to 72 h when injected into the peritoneal cavity of mice. Moreover, BiV increased blood leukocyte at 3 h after injection and incresed the levels of PGD2, PGE2, TXA2, LTB4, MCP-1 at distinct periods of time. In addition, BiV induced the protein expression of COX-2 from 1 up to 12 h and the BiV-induced leukocyte influx was reduced by indomethacin or etoricoxib or zileuton at 12 h after injection. In conclusion, BiV is able to induce leukocyte influx and increase of blood leukocyte numbers. Moreover, the ability of BiV to induce expression of COX-2 and release of inflammatory mediators is relevant for the leukocytes influx into the local of its injection


lipooxigenases ciclooxigenases ciclooxygenases lipooxygenases leukocytes leucócitos bothrops insularis bothrops insularis eicosanóides eicosanoids

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